So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added on the church daily those who were being saved (Act2.46-47).
Ils étaient chaque jour tous ensemble assidus au temple, ils rompaient le pain dans les maisons, et prenaient leur nourriture avec joie et simplicité de coeur, louant Dieu, et trouvant grâce auprès de tout le peuple. Et le Seigneur ajoutait chaque jour à l'Église ceux qui étaient sauvés( Actes2.46-47).
SALVATION PRAYER - Le blog de zionlight
SALVATION PRAYER If you do not know JESUS as you SAVIOR and LORD, say this salvation prayer out in faith, and Jesus will be your Savior and Lord! "Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus and I